Thursday, August 25, 2011

summer activities

Some people are at the beach, in the mountains, tropics, rivers, visiting new places. Some day I will do that, too. But this Summer I am busy exploring a new place right here in my own home. I love being in this new room!

Bill helped me re-finish an old bookshelf I found at the thrift store. It looks beautiful now! I have a few folding chairs now, although I will need a few more, a water dispenser and a wooden music stand that sits on top of the piano. I have a little metal cash-box and books to keep my records in.

Dozens of folders with sheet music and workshop packets are being sorted into Binders while the cat looks on - my new air-conditioner is cooling the space beautifully. I never seem to be able to finish the task - there is always more, but my new bookshelves can hold it all in the end. I knew I had a lot of music collected over the years, but  only now am I realizing just how much. And I also know: I'm only scratching the surface: there is so much more amazing music out there, ready to be explored. I am searching for music to sing with my 2 new groups of children at Holistic Learning Resources and it's hard to do without knowing the children at all.

Practicing the piano is my activity when I take a break. It's fun and yet terrible, because the poor instrument is so awfully out of tune. I'm saving up for a good tuner. Not yet....

Gradually, occasionally, students begin to find their way to my new studio this August. Soon I will have many, a constant stream of enthusiastic singers, blessing my work space.

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